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MG’s experience comes from projects and mines in Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wyoming, U.S.A.;  in Salta, ARGENTINA; in British Columbia, CANADA; in La Paz and Potosi, BOLIVIA; in Antiochia, COLOMBIA; in Copan, Francisco, Morazan, and Olancho, HONDURAS; in Aguascalientes, Chihuahua, Durango, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Oaxaca, Queretaro, San Luis Potosi, Sonora, and Zacatecas,  MEXICO;  in Atlantico Sur, Boaco, and Managua, NICARAGUA; and in Darien, Chiriqui and Veraguas, PANAMA



MG specializes in collecting and interpreting geological and engineering data with an expertise in integrating structural, geochemical and geophysical elements into a "total" geological paradigm.  This produces an unusually accurate and comprehensive model which incorporates all of the geo-databases through the use of statistical analysis, rock mechanics testing, geochemical analysis, and computer based characterizations of the project's geology.  We also bring engineering design, economics and team safety into the final product to insure the project's security, profitability, and resource extraction are optimized. 



MG  provides exploration and in-mine geological mapping and sampling, detailed structural analysis, petroleum detailed-fracture-analysis core logging, mine project design and development supervision, ore grade control, comprehensive mine rock-mass stabilization, underground roof-control design, paleo-stress and paleo-kinematic analysis, geotechnical core logging, rock mechanics analysis, drilling project oversight, transmitted-light petrography, and more.

MG's experience ranges from exploration targeting to resolving ore reserve and ground control issues throughout much of North & South America.  We've worked in underground and open-cut mines, in "grass roots" and advanced exploration projects, and in very remote locations from Argentina to Canada.

Geological and geotechnical engineering consulting for mining and petroleum


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